
Foodie Quiz

Today, I took foodie quize at the christian scienece monitor's internet page!
My score is ..................


I'm not a foodie!!

I think the questions are a little tricky!! I was cheated some qustions...
Especially, I was so surprised that strawberry is not technically a berry!
Also,  I like to eat Whoopie pie, so last question is so interesting for me to answer it!
I could learn that Whoopie  pie is an Amish dessert.

4 件のコメント:

  1. I have never eaten Whoopie pie, so I want to eat it someday.
    It is a very interesting food!

  2. I often hear that snack "Whoopie Pie" In movies and TV shows but, I never really got what it was exactly, so to finally find out what a whoopie pie was was refreshing haha! I never new it was an amish desser!

  3. I was also surprised that strawberry is not technically a berry! Actually, I have never eaten Whoopie Pie, however, I want to try it(^^)

  4. I laughed at this part "I cheated some questions." lol To be honest, I did a little too :P
