
*Book Review*5

In this blog, I 'm gonna talk about Ethiopia's coffee.
As you know, coffee was born in Ethiopia, and it is so important history for today's coffee history.
Also, it looks smoothly to be spread to all over the world.

However, Ethiopia struggled to protect intellectual property rights to the names of the coffee-producing regions provides. And it means how we can corporate and compete to control property rights to valuable commodities. Then, the Ethiopian government applied to trademark the names of "Harrar", "Yirgacheffe", and "Sidamo". Each of these trademark have unique flavor characteristics.
And Starbucks coffee already had applied for a trademark for these coffee; Sun-Dried Sidamo.
In 2007, the Yirgacheffe was granted by office, and Starbucks are managing the image carefully.

When I read this part, I thought it is difficult to keep and manage the good image of the coffee for a long time. And I thought people who have connections with coffee beans have to share the merit  with everyone. So coffee pickers' hard works will decrease.
Ethiopia coffee @Gorilla coffee / Shibuya

1 件のコメント:

  1. I thought Brazil produce coffee first before I read your book review. It is interesting the process of using the trademark by Ethiopia. By the way, I saw gorilla coffee in your picture and I want to go there now.
