
*Book Review*6

Today, I'm gonna tell about many country's identities of coffee.

In these day, hundreds of nations and millions people produce and consume coffee.

Brazil was the world's largest coffee producer in the nineteen century, and in 1906 Brazil produced 82 percent of global coffee supply. Afterward, many other countries start to produce coffee, and global production of coffee has increased, however, Brazil still produce 30 percent!  

Similarly, Colombia produce coffee. Colombia was know as the good quality of the arabica beans, and it was spread into Colombia from Venezuela at 1870.

It was interesting for me to each of all countries have each connection with coffee. I'm looking forward to know about learn about the connection with Japanese culture.

4 件のコメント:

  1. It is interesting☺︎ I wanna know what kind of climate is good for growing coffee.

  2. Good information! I don't know Colombia produce high quality coffee. Also, the history is interesting!

  3. It's interesting to know that the coffee share rate of Brazil got shrunk down to 30 percent within about 100 years. I'm also looking forward to learning about coffee from your blog!

  4. Brazilian coffee has sweet smell and the taste is good balance.
    So, I like Brazilian coffee :9
    I want to know a characteristic of coffee of various countries !
