
*Simple Restaurant Review*

I went to Chinese Restaurant in Kitasenju with my friend at January 4th, 2016.

The name is " Benitora"

This store has a line, and many people were enjoying their dinner.
we waited about 5 minutes.
After waiting the line for 5 minutes, we got a seat, and we ordered "Tenshinhan" "Gyoza" "Okoge" "Springroll", and soft drinks.

After 2 minutes, our soft drinks were carried.
Our dishes were carried after 10 minutes.
I felt it is so fast!

This is my friend's dish: Okoge

This is Gyoza. We shared it.

This is Tenshinhan and Springroll.

The tastes were so good!
However, they don't have restroom. Because this shop is in shopping mall.
So I disappointed a little bit.

But, I could enjoy the dinner with my friend and the good taste:)
I recommend it!

springroll: ¥440
Gyoza: ¥420
Okoge: ¥1580
Tenshinhan:¥ 920
Melon Soda: ¥380×2

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