
*Simple Restaurant Review*

I went to Chinese Restaurant in Kitasenju with my friend at January 4th, 2016.

The name is " Benitora"

This store has a line, and many people were enjoying their dinner.
we waited about 5 minutes.
After waiting the line for 5 minutes, we got a seat, and we ordered "Tenshinhan" "Gyoza" "Okoge" "Springroll", and soft drinks.

After 2 minutes, our soft drinks were carried.
Our dishes were carried after 10 minutes.
I felt it is so fast!

This is my friend's dish: Okoge

This is Gyoza. We shared it.

This is Tenshinhan and Springroll.

The tastes were so good!
However, they don't have restroom. Because this shop is in shopping mall.
So I disappointed a little bit.

But, I could enjoy the dinner with my friend and the good taste:)
I recommend it!

springroll: ¥440
Gyoza: ¥420
Okoge: ¥1580
Tenshinhan:¥ 920
Melon Soda: ¥380×2

*Simple Restaurant Review*

Today, I went to " Tsurutontan" in roppongi with my friend!
Tsurutontan in roppongi is a one of the chain store, and it sells "Udon" mainly.
Also, the big dish is a trademark of this store.

I ate Tempura Udon.

One of my friend ate Shrimp- Cream Udon.

The Dish was soooo big!
I was surprised.

In the restroom, there are some toothbrushes, the paper of a cleansing , and mouthwash! It's so convenience for ladies, and I was impressed.

The store was beautiful, we could change the volume of Udon for free, staff was so kind and they saw off at the door, and we could relax!

I want to go to this restaurant again!

Tempura Udon: ¥1280
Konbu Udon: ¥730
Shrimp-Cream Udon: ¥1280
Negitoromaki: ¥480
Shrimp-Saladmaki:¥ 380

*Final Book Review*

⭐︎About My Book⭐︎

<What I learned from the book / What you found most enlightening,  interesting, disappointing or annoying about it>
 I didn't know that coffee was such a controversy drink in the past, and I felt that coffee has so long history. Also, I could know about how to drink coffee all around the world, how much people drink coffee in other countries. Especially, I was so surprised about almost of all American drink three cups of coffee in a day. Also, Coffee was regarded as a sexy and romantic beverage by one popular media because of the power of caffeine. And I enjoyed some illustrations which was written about coffee by some people. For example it is !→http://www.glasbergen.com/business-computer-cartoons/ By these information, I could learn about the powerful of coffee and the favor for people.

<Recommended it or not>
 I recommend this book. It is easy to read because it is divided many chapters and one chapter has only 5pages. So we can read one chapter for short time like the time to going to school. Also if you have interesting about beverage's history, you may be able to learn about other drinks ' history a little bit.

⭐︎About My Friend's Book"

Shoko Izumi
"GOOD GROWING -why organic farming works-"
Summary: The author wrote about how organic foods are good for our health and the current situation of organic farming.
What she liked best about the book: healthy food
Flaws of this book: This book's word is too difficult

I'm interested in organic foods, and I sometimes go to farmer's market in front of our university. So I wanted to read this book too. However, I think it is difficult to read smoothly with technical words.

The Wall Street Journal

"A Roy Rogers Thanksgiving Lessons"
Summary:  The author's grandfather was surprised at the Roy Rogers' restaurant in Maryland. At the restaurant each hamburger there was fresh and inexpensive, and it was wrapped to stay warm. However, the humble burger means a sign of awesome bounty. On the other hand, his grand children were Americans, and they ate plenty of fast food without thinking bounty. Today, billions people are still suffer from hunger and empty shelves.
👉When I knew about these facts, I felt the bounty of food. I have never felt the hunger since I was born. Also, I thought it  is natural for us to eat something when we want to eat. According to FAO, today there are 805 million hunger people in the world. (FAO, 2015) I felt the importance of food, and  I made up my mind not to left my dish.

"World hunger falls, but 805 million still chronically undernourished. (2014). FAO. Retrieved September 16, 2014 from http://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/243839/icode/ 

"For Pets, It's Fat Thursday With Pies, Dressing Under the Table"
 Summary: Today, pets' obesity becomes one of the social problems. In Thanksgiving day, The Pet's are given the gorgeous food by them owner, and they become prefer the taste than their pet food. By pampering like this scene, pets become fat and it is harmful for dogs and cats.
 👉I haven't had pets like dogs and cats. However, I sometimes feel that dogs and cats become rich by their owner.I have saw the buggy for dogs in the city, and the dogs looks so comfortable. I thought "Pets' life become too comfortable".  Also, today there are the restaurant for pets. I thought we have to take care of the boundary line between pets and a member of the family.

"U.N. Says 2015 Likely to Be Warmest Year on Record"   
Summary: According to WMO, 2015 is likely to be the hottest year on record. This phenomenon  was happened by the El Nino weather. By this phenomenon, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere raised every year. If the rise didn't be stopped,  our planet is dangerous.
👉I felt last summer was so hot, and it was abnormal weather. Also, I felt the temperature became raised every year. "Our Earth" said that we have to find the way in the Kyoto protocol.  I thought we have to do a little things such as reducing the number of garbage. These phenomenon associated the food problem. If earth's surface became upper, our food wouldn't grow up. So we have to reduce the garbage including the left of our dishes.

"Global Warming. (2013). Our Earth. Retrieved from http://www.gwarming.com


*Restaurant Review*

I went to Japanese restaurant called "Mame-cha" with my classmates; Sherry, Aoi, and Fumio on January 6th 2016.
"Mame-cha" is located in Shibuya, and it takes 10 minutes from Shibuya station.
Today, I'm gonna review this restaurant.

Store's name: "Mame-cha"
Date: January 6th 2016
Total Amount: ¥1,944 (¥1,800+TAX)
Service: 100%
Total Average Score: 97%

1.Uniform neat & clean-10
2.Friendly; enjoying their work?-7
3.Thank and invite back again-10

☞I think staff didn't smile so many times. All staffs served and cleared dishes politely, but I couldn't feel that they enjoy their work. Uniform is separated by their positions. In the kitchen, people were wearing white chef's cloth. At the register, the staff were wearing suits. And, people who served dishes were wearing Japanese cloth. When we went out the restaurant, a staff saw us off at outside of the restaurant, and made the bow.

4.Floors clean-10
5.Music volume & type appropriate-9
6.Lighting OK?-10

☞Floors, chairs, and tables were so clean. Especially, I was careful with floor because we took off our shoes at the entrance. There weren't dirt. Also, this is Japanese restaurant, but the music which I heard in this restaurant is western music. First, I was surprised it. However, I felt it comfortable that store interior of Japanese style and western music are well-matched.

11.Perceived value-10

☞Everything was so good! I ate Kaisendon, Miso soup, Tsukemono, Chawanmushi, and Warabimochi, and I could feel everything is spanking-fresh and hot. However, I added a lot of wasabi in my Kaisendon. So I couldn't enjoy my Kaisendon perfectly.

12.Restrooms clean-9
13.Restrooms stocked-6
14.Locations(parking lots)-6
☞When I checked a restroom, there weren't stocked of the toilet paper at the one of two folders.
Also, this restaurant is locating in Shibuya, however, it takes 10~15 minutes by walk from Shibuya station. And there isn't private parking lots. So  I think it is un convenience to use many times for me.
In addition, there was construction scene near the restaurant, so I sometimes felt some shakes.

<Time and Event Log>
19:04  Arrived at the restaurant. There were 2 groups in the restaurant. We didn't wait the seat.
19:06  We were seated and watched menus.
19:08  We asked about an allergy of the dishes to staff.
19:20  We ordered 4set meal.
19:24  Our drinks were served. (for free)
19:33  Our set meals were served.
~each about 10 minutes, staff pour tea into our glass~
21:33  We check out.

This is the shop curtain.
We took off our shoes at the entrance.

These are menu.
Green: Drink menu, Pink: Wine list, Orange: Dinner menu

Lights are superb!
It was made by Japanese paper.

There are two kinds of seat, chair and hori--kotatsu.
At the hori-kotatsu, the banquett is made by Tatami.

I ate Kaisendon-¥1800+Tax
It looks savoury-looking:)

We enjoyed piscine dinner!
Also, I made the video of today's restaurant review!
Please watch it:)


-About food waste-

In this blog, I'm gonna compare two organizations; Second Harvest Japan (2HJ) and Food For All (FFA).

◯What are some of the features that the groups have in common and how do they differ...in their approaches, activities, reasons for their existence, etc.? 

Common features: Both organizations provide "Food Bank" and they distribute the meal to homelessness every week. Also, they provide the lecture.
Different features: FFA learn musical instruments. FFA is based on philosophy of community self- help. 2HJ deliver the food to house. 2HJ cooperate with some company.

◯What are the main activities or events that these groups carry out?
FFA: distribute food to homelessness / food served to guests at their free spiritual program every friday / collect food donated to the charity
2HJ: distribute a warm meal for homelessness at Ueno park every saturday (Harvest Kitchen) / provide foods for people who don't have enough food because of economical poverty (Harvest Pantry) / take back and deliver food which is scraped even we can eat to some welfare centers and institution for homelessness or maltreated children (Food Bank) / offer the lecture to spread "food bank" in Japan

◯From what you saw on their web sites, what surprised or interested you the most? 
I was so surprised that the food loss amount is same as the annual production of rice.
Also, Japanese self-sufficiency rate of food is so low, and we depend the import. However we scrap 17,880,000t in a year. There are 20,000,000 people who is lower than the poverty line.

◯How would you be able to offer help to either organisation -- as a volunteer or supporter? 
I think it is important for everyone to know the original state. Also we can donate food from internet site of 2HJ.
◯Which group seems to be more active? Why do you think so?
I think 2HJ seems to be more active. Because, they cooperate with many companies and it is persuasive. Also this organization is the first food bank in Japan, and it is easy to donate by internet site from anywhere.

*Book Review*6

Today, I'm gonna tell about many country's identities of coffee.

In these day, hundreds of nations and millions people produce and consume coffee.

Brazil was the world's largest coffee producer in the nineteen century, and in 1906 Brazil produced 82 percent of global coffee supply. Afterward, many other countries start to produce coffee, and global production of coffee has increased, however, Brazil still produce 30 percent!  

Similarly, Colombia produce coffee. Colombia was know as the good quality of the arabica beans, and it was spread into Colombia from Venezuela at 1870.

It was interesting for me to each of all countries have each connection with coffee. I'm looking forward to know about learn about the connection with Japanese culture.